As a result, the Watchman is usually viewed as a God-from-Flesh due to having been mortal, sometimes viewed as a God-from-Light ( The Focus of Amber and the Illuminate Mysteries differ) due to the descent of the remnant of the Egg, and occasionally seen as a God-from-Stone due to having been the Egg. The most plausible reconciliation of these accounts is that the Unwise Mortal took up a remnant of the Egg which descended from the Glory after the Egg's flight. He was also, according to The Focus of Amber, formerly the Egg Unhatching. The Watchman was formerly a mortal, most likely the Unwise Mortal described in The Manner In Which The Alchemist Was Spared. The Door in the Eye, also called The Watchman, is one of the Hours, associated with hour I, or 1:00am. It may be that Omar's sense of persecution creeps into the narrative at this point: certainly it grows less coherent, and the last part is devoted to attempts to prove that eyes, eggs and the Sun are all in some sense conjunct. The Watchman, according to Omar, was once another Hour entirely, who ascended into the Glory to escape efforts by other Hours to send him to Nowhere.

Omar claims that the Hour called Watchman is both a god-who-was-flesh - an Hour who was mortal - and also a god-from-Light - an Hour who descended from the Glory - but adds, finally, that the Watchman's origin is triple, and that 'in essence, he is Amber. He is often the first Hour that we supplicate. He opens the way for the willing and for the unwilling.